
Chili American Legion Family Post 1830


Affiliated Websites

Periodically you could add additional Affiliated Web Sites reflecting current events, topics and other items of interest to the community. Affiliated Web Sites may be added permanently or appear for a limited time.
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 Monroe County Post Web-Sites


Ely-Fagan Post 1151 Web Site

Ferris Goodridge Post 0330 Web Site

Greece Post 468 Web Site

Monroe County American Legion Web Site


Smith-Warren Post #367



The following are examples of worthy affiliated web sites.

Children's Organ Transplant Association

E-mail: cota@ccota.org

Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency


As I find more organizations, I will record them as well as their websites. Unfortunately I can't link to any of them in this format. Sorry!
These are some more websites that I have become aware of:

Anyone needing more information regarding burial benefits, please contact: www.cem.va.gov/eligible.htm.

The Veterans Coalition-(to support out troops):http://theveteranscoalition.org/

Operation Welcome Home-(to greet our loved ones when they return)---www.operationwelcomehome.org.

Vietnam Veterans of America-Chapter 20-Rochester, N.Y.---www.vva20.com.
Veterans Affairs Services---www.vaservices.org.

Gulf War Veterans Resource Center---www.ngwrc.org

Korean War Project---www.koreanwar.org.

P.T.S.D.-(any era vet)--www.longbeach.va.gov/ptsd/stress.html.

If you would like to correspond with someone in the military who is deployed overseas, go to: www.eMail Our Military.com.

Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America---www.avva.org.

New York State VVA---www.ny-vietnam-vets.org.

Advocacy & Intelligence Index for POW/MIA--www.aiipowmia.com/.

U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs---www.va.gov.

Uniformed Services Family Health Plan(USFHP)---www.usfhp.com

U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims---www.vetapp.uscourts.gov.

Sons and Daughters in Touch---www.sdit.org.

The Moving Wall-Vietnam Combat Veterans Ltd.---www.themovingwall.org

The Virtual Wall---www.virtualwall.org.

Naval Historical Center---www.history.navy.mil

In Memory Memorial Plaque Project---members.aol.com/vietwarmem/plaque.htm.

Were you (a veteran) deployed in hostile areas and now have unexplained deployment related illness?
Call (800) 248-8005 or visit www.wri.med.va.gov for more information.

AAFES Gift Certificates (for those in Iraq or hospitalized)---http://www.aafes.com/docs/homefront.htm.

Adopt a Platoon-(so no soldier leaves mail call empty handed)---http://www.adoptaplatoon.org.

Any Soldier-(sending care packagesto Iraq)---http://www.anysoldier.us/index.cfm.

Appreciate Our Troops (send a personalized mug to current or former service member)---
@ http://appreciateourtroops.org.

Books For Soldiers-(& DVD's)---http://www.booksforsoldiers.com.

Camp Doha-(info for those about to deploy)---http://www.campdoha.org.

Cell Phones for Soldiers-(recycled for cash to buy callingcards)---http://www.cellphonesforsoldiers.com/pages/1/index.htm.

Defend America-(thank any service members overseas)---http://www.defendamerica.mil/nmam.html.

Fisher House-(provides homes to unite families during hospitalization)---http://www.fisherhouse.org/.

Freedom Calls-(video-conferencing families with Iraq soldiers)---http://www.freedomcalls.org.

Groceries for Families-(gift certificates to commissary)---http://www.commissaries.com/certificheck/.

Homes for Our Troops-(assists injured vets adapt homes)---http://www.homesfortroops.org/.

Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund-(grants to families of vets who died in Iraq)---

Military Moms-(support to moms with children in military)---http://www.militarymoms.net/index.html.

Operation: A Bit of Home-(supplies toiletries & misc. to troops)---http://www.operationabitofhome.com/.

Operation Air Conditioner-(& heaters to those in Iraq & Afghanistan)---http://www.operationac.com/.

Operation Call Home-(provide each platoon with satellite phone)---http://www.platoonphone.com/.

Operation Dear Abby-(e-mail messages of support overseas)---http://www.anyservicemember.navy.mil/.

Operation Give-(toys,clothing,school supplies to children of Iraq & Afghan.)-http://www.operationgive.org/.

Operation Hero Miles-(donate your unused frequent flier miles to soldiers & families on emergency leave)---

Operation Independence-(care packages to deployed soldiers)---http://www.oidelivers.org/.

Operation Iraqi Children-(school supplies kits to Iraq)---http://www.operationiraqichildren.org/.

Operation Military Pride(sends cards,letters,& care package to troops)-http://www.operationmilitarypride.org.

Operation Uplink-(phone cards to troops to call home)---http://www.operationuplink.org/.

Soldiers' Angels-(adopt a service member)---http://www.soldiersangels.org/heroes/index.php.

Treats for troops-(packages to you soldier or foster-a-soldier)---http://www.treatsfortroops.com/.

USO Cares-(sponsor care pkg by USO for $25.00 donation)---http://www.usocares.org/.

Voice from Home-(allows troops & families to send voice e-mail)---http://voicesfromhome.org/home.html.

Save your ink cartridges & cell phones,cash sent to troops---http://www.soldiers4soldiers.com/index.asp.

V.A. Health Care Info (for you only), "My HealtheVet" website---www.myhealth.va.gov.

Inquiries about medals and decorations---http://veteranmedals.army.mil.

Request for medals from NPRC (eligible vets & next of kin)---http://vetrecs.archive.gov.

For many misc. programs designed to help vets---http://www.military.com/resources/.
Corporate Gray---http://www.corporategray.com.

DoD Job Search---http://www.dod.jobsearch.org.

DoD Transportal---http://www.dodtransportal.org.

Marine for Life---http://marineforlife.com.

Military Children and Youth---http://mfrc.calib.com/mcy.

Military Family Reasource Center---http://mfrc.calib.com/.

Military Teens on the Move---http://dticaw.dtic.mil/mtom.

Special Needs Network---http://mfrc.calib.com/snn.

United States Dept. of Labor---http://www.dol.gov.

National Military Family Assoc. Inc.---http://www.nmfa.org.

Transition Assistance Online(TAOnline)---http://www.taonline.com/al

Military Assistance Program---http://dticaw.dtic.mil/mapsite.

Burial Flags (funeral directors)---http://www.cem.va.gov/bflags.htm.

Am. Legion Nat'l Customer Service---cs@legion.org.

Military Funeral Honors program---http://www.militaryfuneralhonors.osd.mil.

Vets. Benefits on-line---http://www.vabenefits.vba.va.gov.

National Cemetery Admin.---http://www.va.gov/cemetery.

Gulf War Vets Illness---http://www.va.gov/health/environ/persgulf.htm.

TriCare Health Care---http://www.tricare.osd.mil/fehbp/.

Arlington Nat'l Cemetery---http://www.arlingtoncemetery.org.

American Battle Monuments---http://www.abmc.gov.

U.S. Court of Appeals (Vets Claims)---http://www.vetapp.uscourts.gov.

Committee on Vets Affairs: U.S.Senate---http://www.senate.gov/~veterans/.

U.S. House---http://www.veterans.house.gov.

Replacing Military Records/Nat'l Archives---http://www.nara.gov/regional/mprfaq.html.

Reemploymment Rights---http://www.dol.gov/dol/vets.

Small Business Admin.---http://www.sba.gov.

Federal Jobs for Veterans---http://www.usajobs.opm.gov.

V.A. Home Loans---http://www.homeloans.va.gov.

President's Committee on Employment for People with Disabilities---http://www.pcepd.gov.

U.S. Air Force Personnel Center---http://www.afpc.randolph.af.mil/awards/.

Cold War Recognition Certificates & Form 180---http://www.nara.gov. (Nat'l Archives Records Admin).

National Vets Affairs & Rehabilitation---VAR@ legion.org.

Soaring to Glory-The U.S.A.F. Memorial Foundation---www.airforcememorial.org.